Camping and overlanding often means you’re moving gear in and out of the truck. Set up camp, coffee, cook, campfire, etc. Keeping things organized and in their place makes it all easier for day to day and in the long run, easier to get prepared for the next trip. For me, my camping gear is always in a state of flux depending on where we’re going, how long we’re in any given spot and the time of the year. Whether it’s a solo trip for the weekend, or several nights camping as a couple, the truck is ALWAYS full. Being organized definitely makes it easier to enjoy the time outdoors.
When I first saw these pouches as part of the new 5.11 Range Master collection I knew that they’d find a place in my kit. (Disclosure – I’m a longtime 5.11 employee and love gear.) What follows is a basic overview of my camp box, call it a loadout if you will. This is the basic fair-weather kit with minimal provisions for rain/wind and is contained in a medium-sized Zarges aluminum hard case. After years of doing this (ante Instagram) I’ve not found a better solution for this kind of gear than Zarges (or Alubox) hard cases. They’re lightweight, weathertight, and with use take on a beautiful patina. Softer equipment goes in 5.11 RUSH LBD duffels, perhaps another post on that later. Anyway, onto the details.
Loaded up with stakes, tiedown lines with tension toggles, spool of paracord and a handful of NiteIze CamJams, plus lighter cordage and some sand anchors. Given the amount of desert camping we do, this is a must-have bit of kit. I always fully stake down the tent when we’re camping in the desert as you never know if/when it will be gusty.
Contains a large Aqua Quest silicon treated tarp. Lightweight and waterproof. Handy for shelter from rain and sun. If we’re expecting more than light weather I’ll pack a second tarp like this and a heavier duty Kelty Noah’s Tarp. I have a second one of these pouches that contains a 3’ x 5’ US flag, a tablecloth, repair tape and blanket pins.
The small pouch is ideal for a fire kit, mine contains two different types of fire starters, plus plenty of matches, a magnesium spark stick and a standard Bic lighter that is missing from the pic. Do check with your local fire restrictions before starting any fire and follow the basic guidelines for safety and making sure your fire is truly out before leaving.
Rather than traditional nametapes I’ve used 5.11’s new Writebars and a paint marker to label each pouch. These are a relatively simple and elegant solution for keeping things identifiable and can easily be moved from one pouch (or bag) to any other that also has a loop panel. I expect that they’ll find their way onto more and more of our camp and other gear over time.
The pouches are made with 500D nylon and have padded and stiffened bottoms. We’ll be looking forward to many trips in the future with these along for the ride. This isn’t our only camp box but this contains the basic essentials and is one of the items that is always with us. Also in the box is a stack of newsprint, chem lights, a Tembo Tusk lantern stand, a couple Goal Zero lights, bug spray, extra propane tank, hatchet, additional LED lights and other paraphernalia.
Check out the Range Master Pouches here
Follow my random adventures on Instagram at @ethernectar or a more focused overlanding feed at #frederickafield
Matt Frederic