Diseñados para ofrecer la máxima comodidad y sujeción, los calcetines Slip Stream OTC de 5.11® son la opción perfecta para complementar todo el calzado 5.11.® Combinan poliéster para controlar la humedad y una parte superior de tejido transpirable para mantener tus pies frescos, secos y cómodos.
Ideal para la oficina, actividades tácticas y la vida cotidiana
La construcción de poliéster mantiene los pies secos
La fibra NanoGLIDE® reduce las rozaduras
Talón y puntera reforzados
Tejido superior transpirable para eliminar la humedad
We reserve the right to decline to produce name tapes, as we may determine in our sole discretion.
Be respectful and don’t steal.
Reasons to decline service may include, without limitations:
Words or phrases that we believe to be infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others, obscene, in poor taste, or that otherwise could adversely affect the reputation of the 5.11 brand.
You understand that the unauthorized use of the intellectual property of others is illegal and you are representing to us that the name tape you are asking us to produce does not infringe upon anyone else’s rights.