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What is a Gray Man?

Gray man theory: blend in, avoid attention, be prepared for emergencies.

The term ‘gray man’ (or ‘grey man’ in British English) describes someone who looks unassuming and who doesn’t stand out from the crowd, but is in fact well equipped for an emergency situation.

In crisis situations, there are benefits to going unnoticed and blending in. That is the principle behind gray man (or woman or person) theory.

Gray Man Theory 

Gray man theory is based on the premise of blending into a crowd or your surroundings to not attract unwanted attention. The reality for a true gray man is that they are, in fact, prepared for any situation, but they don’t appear to be to the untrained eye.

Why be a Gray Man?

Being a gray man can be beneficial for a couple reasons.

In a survival situation, such as a natural disaster, the goal is to be prepared with a bug out bag that’s stocked with supplies, tools, and equipment you need to survive. But being prepared like that can also make you a target for others who did not prepare properly. They lack the tools, equipment, and supplies to survive, so they will need to improvise and find other means to acquire what they need for survival.

Using a gray man strategy to blend in and not draw attention to your situation will provide a layer of protection for you and your loved ones.

Perhaps you are just a private person who doesn’t wish to be bothered. Gray man strategies and tools can help you stay unnoticed for whatever reason you wish to be.

How to be a Gray Man

What skills and tactics are required to be a gray man? Is it simply dressing conservatively and staying quiet? Those are two important aspects, but there is more to it than that.

Here are strategies you can employ to be a gray man.

Gray Man Appearance

The key to being a gray man? Go unnoticed. How do you do that? One of the ways is by cultivating a gray man appearance.

What this means is that you want to look like everyone else does in whatever situation you are in:

  • Avoid bright colors like red, orange, and yellow. Go with drab and boring colors like black, gray, brown, and cream. That being said, always consider the context of your environment. If bright colors are commonplace, then adjust your kit accordingly.
  • Keep accessories, such as jewelry, to a minimum. Expensive watches, gold chains, rings, and other personal items are memorable and draw unwanted attention.
  • Although you should be thinking in terms of tactical strategies, you want to avoid wearing clothing and gear that screams “tactical.” This will draw eyes and make you conspicuous, whether people see you as a well-prepared target or as someone with experience and skills who they can attach themselves onto, slowing you down as you try to navigate the situation.
  • Finally, make sure you cover as much of your body as you can while still appearing normal based on your surroundings. Remember that showing your body is a sure-fire way to draw attention.

Apparel from 5.11 Tactical is smartly designed to provided features and flexibility without drawing unwanted attention. From every day carry accessories and belts to tactical pants and gray man backpacks, you’ll find low- profile solutions that will give you the advantage in a crisis situation.